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Welcome to:

Evangelism in



Joh 17:20-23

Eph 4:4-6

Evangelism In Tasmania exists to encourage churches to develop a culture of evangelism and engage in public and network evangelism; a natural outworking of following Jesus and loving sinners. (Eph 4:11-12)

If you’re a follower of Jesus, no doubt you desire to share this life-changing experience with others.

The good news of salvation from God's wrath to come, forgiveness for sins, reconciliation with God, the gift of new and eternal life, freedom from slavery to sin, hope, and joy are too good to keep to yourself.

If this is you, Jesus and His church need you to go and tell others about it and make disciples of Jesus. (Mat 9:37-38, 28:18-20, 2Cor 4:7)

Charles H. Spurgeon said,

"Somebody asked me how I got my congregation. I never got it at all. I did not think it my business to do so, but only to preach the gospel. Why, my congregation got my congregation."

If you would like to receive our newsletter, have any suggestions, or have gospel news to share, please use this form:


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Your donation will be used to purchase Bibles and tracts for evangelists to give away, and to promote the advance of the gospel.

Thanks for contacting us, we'll respond soon.

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